newkit business template

Build designs that scale with newkit

Newkit is a great UI kit for business and multi-purpose websites.


Reach new heights with NewKIT

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“The Mastertheme team provides excellent support, listens to their users and continually works to improve their product”

John Doe - CEO Newkit

“The Mastertheme team provides excellent support, listens to their users and continually works to improve their product”

John Doe - CEO Newkit

“The Mastertheme team provides excellent support, listens to their users and continually works to improve their product”

John Doe - CEO Newkit


Revenue increase


Total revenue in 1 year


Positive Feedback


Product of the day


Simple, scalable pricing

No contracts. No surprise fees.



Billed Monthly

best value

Start selling today.

All limited links

Own analytics platform

Chat support

Number of users

Satisfaction guaranteed

Number of articles

Number of articles

Newkit hosting

*All fees are billed in USD.



Billed Yearly

best value

Start selling today.

All limited links

Own analytics platform

Chat support

Number of users

Satisfaction guaranteed

Number of articles

Number of articles

Newkit hosting

*All fees are billed in USD.

No credit card required
Cancel anytime
Money back guarantee

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Why your client needs a responsive website

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How to bring Newkit to your company

Fusce nec erat sed nisl lobortis eleifend. In eu fringilla leo...

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One year of saving to Cloud